T: 1-800-667-7492
For more information download the TM1 data sheet below that best fits your application needs.
TM1 Plug-In Flange type
TM1 Screw Flange type
Novotechnik’s TM1 Series of position sensors are designed for use in hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders—especially in tight-space applications. They are based on magnetostrictive technology and are available in screw flange or plug-in flange models. A ring-shaped magnetic marker moves up and down the sensor’s shaft for touchless operation.
Every one of Novotechnik’s TM1 Series of magnetostrictive position sensors come with one vital thing that’s not in the specs and is equally important – unmatched technical support.
Our engineers work with you before you even decide to select our part to discuss your application and answer your questions. If you choose the TM1 Series, we’ll support you in three ways.
1) Novotechnik’s TM1 comes with unmatched technical support provided by our own sales engineers in Massachusetts and North Carolina.
2) We help you choose the right options and connections as well as support you with the integration of the TM1 in your motion system.
3) We engineer custom solutions for mechanical interfaces and electrical output characteristics, when feasible.
Novotechnik's TM1 Series of magnetostrictive position sensors provide unlimited mechanical life, high accuracy and are easy to design-in to your application.
Magnetostrictive touchless technology
Stroke lengths from 50 to 2,000 mm (1.9 to 78.7 in)
Accuracy to ±0.04%
Absolute output: meets specs without calibration
Operating pressure range of 0 to 350 bar (5,076 psi), 450 bar peaks (6,526 psi)
Sealed up to IP 69K
EMC compatibility tested
| Rod Type | Touchless | Side Actuated | Rod Type With Return Spring | in-Cylinder | Open Systems |
| Shaft Type | Touchless Rotary | Hollow Shaft | Multi-Turn | Automotive | Open Systems |
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